Our Goal
We want to be recognized as the Industry Leader in the United States in the Marketing of High Performance Lubricants and Fuel Improvers to all significant general market segments. We believe that the best way to achieve Industry Leadership is to distribute our products and information services through direct distribution methods, which allow efficient transfer of product application knowledge as well as the product to the ultimate user of our products at the point of sale.
Our Values
- We believe that the Industry Leader should offer the best product value available when all aspects of the product application and business transaction are considered.
- We believe that we should provide our Customers and our Independent Sales Force with the most efficient and reliable service in our Industry, including product and product information delivery.
- We are committed to providing our Employees and our Independent Sales Force with the outstanding career opportunity offered in our Industry.
- We will consistently meet our responsibility to the Public to provide products and packaging, which are current state of the art in terms of minimum negative environmental impact as well as cost effectiveness to the user.
- We will consistently strive to be recognized as an organization, which supports strong family relationships and values high standards of personal integrity in its Employees and Representatives.
- We believe that our business relationships should be mutually beneficial to all parties and that being at work should be a positive experience for each involved individual under daily circumstances.