Power-Kleen™ GPA

Power-Kleen® GPA

Hydrotex® Power-Kleen™ Diesel Additive Reduces Emissions and Improves Fuel Efficiency in Georgia Ports Authority Diesel Vehicle Fleet

WPC, Inc. – A Terracon Company (WPC) in conjunction with Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) performed diesel engine emissions and fuel efficiency monitoring for the diesel vehicle fleet at GPA. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a fuel additive selected by GPA was effective in reducing pollutant emissions and increasing engine fuel efficiency.  GPA selected Power-Kleen™, manufactured by Hydrotex as the fuel additive of choice.

The result of this study indicates that Power-Kleen reduces EPA Criteria Pollutant emissions and improves fuel efficiency. Beginning in January of 2010, WPC and GPA began conducting baseline monitoring. The diesel vehicle fleet, for the purposes of this study included sixty-four (64) Rubber-Tire Gantry Cranes (RTGs) and forty (40) Jockey Trucks. Baseline monitoring of the fleet consisted of the collection of emissions and fuel consumption data over an approximately four week period. During this period all vehicles utilized low-sulfur diesel fuel as normal. Following this period, Power-Kleen was added to the GPA fuel storage tanks and the fleet utilized the additive-enhanced fuel for a period of approximately eight weeks to allow effective ‘burn-in’ of the engine. Following this eight week period, WPC and GPA resumed monitoring activities for a three week period while the fleet vehicles continued to use the Power-Kleen enhanced fuel. Emissions and fuel consumption monitoring were conducted separately and concurrently over this period in order to minimize data variance.

For the emissions monitoring, the study measured the EPA Criteria Pollutants: CO, SO2and PM10. During monitoring of engine emissions, WPC collected data for thecombustion byproducts at both engine idle and throttled, or revved, conditions for both the RTGs and Jockey Trucks. Fuel consumption and operating hours were measured to develop a consumption rate in gallons per hour.

Results of the study indicated a decrease of approximately five percent in fuel consumption.  Reductions in EPA Criteria Pollutants were more significant. PM10 reductions averaged ashigh as 71%, while NO2 decreased as much as 20% and CO decreased an average of 19%.  SO2results were inconclusive.

As reported in the GPA press release dated August 13, 2010, “We were pleasantly surprised to see these dramatic results.” said GPA’s Senior Director of Engineering and Facilities Maintenance Wilson Tillotson.  “With the large-scale nature of this study, we are confident the additive will yield an improvement in fuel efficiency and a significant reduction in emissions.” He continued, “The results are proof-positive that these additives work.”

John Beasley, President and CEO of Hydrotex stated, “We were pleased when Georgia Ports Authority approached us to participate and welcomed the opportunity to have a third-party engineering firm validate the fuel efficiency and emissions reduction benefits that Power-Kleen provides; Through our national network of trained representatives, we are committed to providing our customers with credible practices and products like Power-Kleen that enhance sustainability of their operations.”

To read the full report, please visit the Hydrotex website at www.hydrotexlube.comin the Sustainability section.

Hydrotex® is a manufacturer and distributor of high performance lubricant and fuel improver solutions.  As an employee owned company, we help our customers develop sustainable solutions designed to improve system reliability, save energy, limit pollution, extend fixed asset life, reduce maintenance costs and improve fuel efficiency. Our products and services leverage over 75 years of innovation resulting in superior synthetic lubrication solutions and high touch customer service.

Hydrotex manufactures and distributes over 300 products in the U.S.A.  The company has 30 distributions centers strategically located across the country and all Hydrotex products and solutions are available through Hydrotex local representatives or by calling 800-527-9439.

Photos Copyright 2009-2013 by Georgia Ports Authority




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