You’re Invited!

Registration for Hydrotex’s fall 2019 session of Lubrication Science and Management School is now open!
This intense 3-day course is presented by Hydrotex experts and is the same training we give to our own Lubrication Consultants and Division Partners. Attendees learn the science of friction, wear, and lubrication regimes, as well as practical chemistry of oils and greases enabling them to improve their maintenance practices and save time and money.
This course is presented at Hydrotex’s corporate headquarters in Dallas, TX. The fall 2019 session will take place October 1-3, 2019. Qualified Hydrotex customers attend at no expense other than transportation costs to and from Dallas. Hydrotex covers the cost of the training, the hotel and lunches. Attendees are required to arrive on Monday, as class is held Tuesday morning through Thursday afternoon.
Please contact your Hydrotex Representative for more information.